Woman Arise Conference 2024

What People Are Saying.

This was by far the best and most impactful conference I’ve attended yet!! It was way more than a simple gathering of women. It was an AMAZING time of pure worship, healing, deliverance, laughter, connection, and impartation! As a bonus to the culmination of the experience, the food was great, the hotel was nice, the atmosphere was warm, and ALL speakers left a lasting impression!! I received way more from those two days than I expected. Every single dollar I spent was WELL worth the experience! It was and still is an unexplainable experience!! I am already looking forward to next year!!! .

— Jessica Maxwell

The Woman Arise Conference was not just another Conference..  it was a space created to authentically be present and unwrap all the gifts God had for us.  There were life changing moments that will continue to be felt for months to come.

— Dr. Quaverra Moten 

Woman Arise Conference 2022 is an event that will forever be etched in the fiber of my being. I experienced the Love of Christ in a different way. The environment was filled with women from around the world; all of which were so willing to receive and give love unselfishly.

The atmosphere was filled with laughter, freedom, and hearts were open to receive Jesus Christ. I came expecting the Lord to meet us there and He absolutely exceeded my expectations.

I walked away from this conference with new connections, new sisters, and new friends. I’m so elated to have been in the midst of such a major God-centered event.

Lastly, the power of the word that was brought forth, changed my life forever. Apostle Latonia Moore brought such a dynamic word.  She laid a foundation for deliverance, so that we could Arise as Women and remain. She also ministered to the individual in such a loving, caring way and continues to be available for us. In this conference I was announced! Announced as a daughter and a Prophet of God. I am grateful for the unprecedented move of God!

Thank you, Leatrice Nash, for finishing the assignment! I love you! 

— Arshardae Perry

The Woman Arise Conference was a spirit filled, highly anointed, and a very strategic yet appointed time with God.  I felt from the date I was initially invited to the conference that I had to be there, so I immediately registered and waited in expectation because I knew this was a God thing that was going to happen.  I finally arrived at the conference, and it was an amazingly transparent 2-day conference where I saw God meet me and many others where we were truly at in our lives.  We all received healing and/or deliverance in various areas of our lives and were able to release yolks / burdens we had been carrying and will never be the same.  TO GOD BE THE GLORY!  God’s bold elected leaders facilitated every meeting.  They shared their real truths and testimonies.  Little did I know God was going to use this conference to set me free from past childhood and adulthood hurts leaving me feeling rejected and holding onto unforgiveness (which I thought I had let go of).  I believe everyone came with an expectancy and like me was ready for change in their lives.  I am so ready to attend the next conference.  I can hardly wait for it and have told others about it, and they are ready to attend also.  I felt welcome and at home here with my sisters in Christ.  I also felt I could be vulnerable yet transparent enough to share what was really going on in my world without any shame or judgment.  There was surely a candid spirit of freedom.  I came for what I truly needed and received so much more.  I was fully equipped and ready to go back home and BE THE WOMAN OF GOD THAT HAS ARISED!!!!

Thanks, Leatrice Nash, for being the visionary and having the ministers / speakers, dancers, authors, willing workers in ministry, vendor tables, gifts and more.  I really appreciate you Woman of God for being who you are in God and for what you have become – A WORLD CHANGER.  Once again, we will never be the same.  Thanks again!!

— Connie D. Rogers

The Woman Arise Conference was an atmosphere where Women of God could be free, become free, healed, delivered and activated. The anointing and presence of God could be felt throughout the entirety of the Conference. I am so glad I was apart of Woman arise where Women uplifted, encouraged and prayed for one another. Can’t wait to go back next year!

— Ty Walter

The Woman ARISE Conference was my first conference I ever attended and it want be my last. I walked in feeling defeated with my life and walk out the conference feeling alive again and ready to wear my crown. That first night walking in the conference room ,I felt the holy spirit and I knew I was about to be a change, it was a power house in there, words just can't explain. It was so phenomenal,  I meet so many  amazing women of God that I still keep in contact with. I love how Leatrice made this all happen for the first time and, she has a connection with each and every women that came to the conference. Everything was perfectly set up for us women to ARISE from the breakout  group to  receiving the Powerful Word from Apostle Moore. Leatrice has been a blessing to me and everyone else that attended, she connected us with the right group of spiritual Women. 

I'm so happy and blessed I attended the conference because my life started to change a week after and I'm so happy how things are moving in my life now. Glory God. Can't wait for next year! 

— Karnesha Shelby

Overwhelmed? Over-thinker? Anxious? Depressed? Stuck in Hopelessness? BOOK A SESSION WITH COACH Leatrice “The Hope Coach” Nash! As a Spiritual Life Coach, Leatrice Nash will provide you with all the spiritual tools you need to get reset and refocused.  Her coaching is rooted in The Word of God and she provides a safe space for you to vent and develop a divine strategy.

I was fortunate to have 3 months of Coaching Sessions and when we started in Jan 2022 I was broken, depressed, and suffering with anxiety.  We started every session with Prayer and ended every session with Prayer we would just talk like friends and dissect facts from fiction, Coach Leatrice would give me scripture and faith-filled words to attack the negative thoughts, she’d challenge me weekly and she made herself available to me if/when I had crisis situations.  

Coach Leatrice is kind and will definitely hold YOU accountable for how fast or slow you go through your own process.  I would recommend her services to any individual that needs a spiritual push out of negativity.

 -A. Howard

Woman Arise Conference 2022